There are just days when I do not really feel like being in the kitchen forever. Either I really have to get up to study or I want to sit outside in the sun and read a book. Or I'm out all day. Sometimes it just has to go fast and I still want to eat something warm. Since I'm not a big pasta fan, noodles usually fall away and I tend to grab something like the quick tomato quiche. Today on offer: quick leek cake! Admittedly a recipe hardly worthy, but with very few and simple ingredients extremely fast on the table and also very delicious. I also think it's great for parties or barbecues. Roll out 1 rectangular puff pastry from the cooling rack on a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 175 ° C top and bottom heat or 150 ° C convection. Brush 1 kg thin leek sticks, remove the outer shell and cut only the white and light green slices of the leek into about 0.5 cm thick slices. Cook the leek slices in boiling salted water for about 3 minutes, then drain. 150 g diced bacon or ham cubes (I have used lean ham cubes) in the still hot Lauchtopf sweat. Add 150 g crème fraîche and stir with salt ...

Quick leek cake

There are just days when I do not really feel like being in the kitchen forever.
Either I really have to get up to study or me I want to sit outside in the sun and read a book. Or I'm out all day.
Sometimes it just has to go fast and I still want to eat something warm.
Since I'm not a big pastafan, most of the time noodles are gone and I tend to grab something like the quick tomato quiche.
Today's offer: quick leek cake!
Admittedly a recipe hardly worthy, but with very few and simple ingredients extremely fast on the table and also very delicious. I also think it's great for parties or barbeques.
1 rectangular puff pastry roll out of the cold shelf on a baking tray, preheat the oven to 175 ° C top and bottom heat or 150 ° C convection.
Clean 1kg thin leeks , remove the outermost shell and only Slice the white and light green slices of leeks about 0.5 cm thick.
Cook the leek slices in boiling salted water for about 3 minutes, then drain.
150g diced bacon or ham cube (I've used lean ham cubes) sweat in the still hot pot.
Mix 150 g Créme fraîche until smooth and season with salt and pepper . Spread evenly on the puff pastry. Add the leek and bacon cubes and bake for about 20-30 minutes to the desired degree of browning.
A fresh green salad fits this.

As expected, the summer in our climes was only briefly introduced. But that does not matter, because then at least there is something warm, delicious, the soul and the damp fingers warm - homemade custard! There's nothing as simple as homemade vanilla pudding without Tütenkram and E-numbers. I swear, it is really ratzfatz and it just tastes incredibly delicious. And most of the things you have in ...

I had recently written from my short trip to Barcelona. And also from the great tapas restaurant and the spinach salad. In spite of its simplicity, I remember it so much that I had to try it directly. Basically, it only consists of 4 components, but they are all so tasteful and make a great combination! I can not really make quantities, because you just take what you have there and where you feel ...

Cheese and rosemary cookies My Mother what I have abandoned the blog! Between some things and others I have not had much time to dedicate, and also, let's be honest, I'm a bit vague, but September is already here and you have to put your batteries, so be vagrant and move. These cookies were made for my son to take to a meeting with the bellmen of ...

I know, I know, the burger recipes are slowly taking over. But we just love burgers in every variation! Today it was time again. And after we ate a great Blue Cheese burger in the United States and Stilton is currently our absolute favorite cheese (after my visit to London in April), the dream team was set for tonight. That's why there was 250 g fresh ground beef per person, fried to a juicy, stil...