Spinach salad with goat cheese and caramelized hazelnuts
The standard cake recipe has been in my family for years. Once the strawberry season starts, there will be no stopping and every family reunion will have the same cake. And no, that's anything but boring, just because this cake is so incredibly delicious. My grandmother bakes an original Hot Milk Sponge Cake on the plate as a basis. The cake is absolutely delicious, but the icing on the cake is a ...
Cheese and rosemary cookies My Mother what I have abandoned the blog! Between some things and others I have not had much time to dedicate, and also, let's be honest, I'm a bit vague, but September is already here and you have to put your batteries, so be vagrant and move. These cookies were made for my son to take to a meeting with the bellmen of ...
I know, I know, the burger recipes are slowly taking over. But we just love burgers in every variation! Today it was time again. And after we ate a great Blue Cheese burger in the United States and Stilton is currently our absolute favorite cheese (after my visit to London in April), the dream team was set for tonight. That's why there was 250 g fresh ground beef per person, fried to a juicy, stil...
Light strawberries dessert Do you fancy a ligerito dessert? Well do not think more, this is your dessert! You can put wholemeal cookies, without sugar, or the cereals that you like the most. It is done at the moment and will have about 100 gr. of sugar, which among the 4 glasses is nothing. Here you have the recipe, I hope you like it. Strawberr...