After a few vacation-related absence days, I'll get back to you with a short travel report! What do you do on vacation? Of course, eat well! I have relatives in Barcelona and travel since infancy to this beautiful city on the Mediterranean. For me, there are no more typical tourist visits, but it is more of a "come home" and I know exactly where I want to go and what I want to do. This year, it was only enough for a short trip, but it has also just been fully worth it culinary! The city has also experienced a rather unusual heat wave for May for some days and so we were considered with sweaty 30 ° C. Tuesday evening we went to the famous Can Majó in a small side street in the port of Barceloneta. What could be nicer to sit on a terrace at a pleasant 23 ° C late at night, to smell the sea air while enjoying good wine and fresh fish? As a small "snack" in advance, there was a Spanish delicacy, which admittedly looks extremely strange: "Percebes", in Germany under the term barnacles common. Despite the name, these are not mussels, but a type of cancer, especially in Spain and Portugal as a rare specialty with strict ...

Culinary Travel Report Barcelona

After a few days off, I'll get back to you with a short trip report!
What do you do on vacation? Of course, eat well!
I have relatives in Barcelona and travel since infancy to this beautiful city on the Mediterranean. For me, that's why there are no more typical tourist visits, but it's more of a "coming home" and I know exactly where I want to go and what I want to do.
This year It was only a short break, but it was also just culinary fully worth it!
The city has also experienced a few days ago, a rather unusual heat wave for May and so we were considered with sweaty 30 ° C.
Tuesday evening we went to the well-known Can Majó in a small side street in the port of Barceloneta.
What could be nicer than sitting at a pleasant 23 ° C late at night on a terrace, sniffing the sea air while enjoying good wine and fresh fish enjoy?
As a small "snack" in advance, there was a Spanish delicacy, which admittedly looks extremely strange: "Percebes" , in Germany under the term barnacles common.
Despite the name, these are not mussels but a type of cancer that is a rare specialty with strict catch conditions, especially in Spain and Portugal.
And really, it just looks disgusting out. If you are brave can even try the Google image search and watch the whole. At first, I thought I would be served some lizard feet ...
The whole thing is reminiscent of clam halves hanging from an elephant's foot, which was put into a chain mail. Extremely alienating.
However, curiosity is great and once you have managed to peel off the leathery skin you will be rewarded with wonderfully soft, juicy and delicate flesh.
An experience It was worth it.
We continued with a portion of fresh cockles in a navigator's style, as well as Spanish bread with olive oil and tomato. Delicious! The mussels were served with a sauce of olive oil, mustard, chives and bacon, which was great.
Did I ever mention that I've never never never eaten fish or any seafood?
At some point I started gaaaanz gently white, solid fish to eat - and it tasted amazingly good. So I slowly advanced and can not imagine no fish to eat. Herring, mackerel and trout are still not my first choice, but fresh tuna, bream, turbot, cod, monkfish, etc., etc. I like to eat.
Seafood and crabs are less my case (though I was pleasantly surprised by the Percebes): Shrimp, prawns, cuttlefish, lobsters and lobsters usually do not end up on my plate, but rather because I do not like the consistency. Where mussels in moderation (not in bulk) are also great again. Here in the Rhineland, of course, in the form of Rhenish mussels.
For the main course there was wonderfully tender golden bream from the salt dough , which I like to imitate at home. Freshly caught fish on Spain's coast just tastes better.for a comparably cheap price, the greasy lunch made up for it.
What also with no Barcelonabesuch may be missing is an ice cream of Farggi . This chain is only available in Spain and Portugal, but in my opinion it can easily compete with Ben & Jerry's and Häagen Dazs. I actually think it's even better. Extremely creamy and creamy ice cream in such great varieties as dulce de leche, yogurt blackberry, vanilla with chocolate covered almonds or white chocolate make all sweet cream ice cream lovers (like me) beat their hearts out.
In the evening, a visit to " 3 fpm" 3 Food, People & Music at Eduard Arola was on.
A very modern, stylish restaurant (or tapas bar) with a chic ambience, a laid-back atmosphere and, above all, great food!
We chose the Showtaping ", an 8-course tapas surprise menu. They share their likes or dislikes ("no seafood, please) and get a very modern and above all extremely tasty tapas menu.
The first course consisted of caramelized foie gras with crunchy raisin bread and passion fruit chutney - a crazy combination, who would have thought that!
It went on with a salad of young spinach leaves, sprouts, celery, goat cream cheese, caramelized hazelnut kernels and a balsamic vinaigrette - will be imitated in any case. The salty goat cheese in combination with the sweet nuts goes well together!
The next course was fresh beef tartare with tiny cucumber cubes and a vinaigrette of egg yolk, white vinegar and oil with crispy bread slices . Since I really enjoy eating Tartar anyway, it was a great fit too.
The next short pass was Patatas Bravas in a small jar with a light Cointreau sauce Then it went on with crispy chicken wings with a typical Canarian mojo rojo suave dip of oil, garlic, peppers and spices.
This was followed by pink fried mini veal burgers with a pad of foie gras and balsamic cream, and potato ramming cams .
Finally, a " Coca Pizza " known for the restaurant was served, a kind of pizza made from a crispy thin flatbread, with some tomato, but without cheese. In our case it was: Butifarra, a typical Catalan fresh bratwurst, plus foie gras, green mini asparagus and caramelized onions.
Dessert turned into a Finely chopped fruit salad made from mango and peaches served with a refreshing lemon sorbet . Exactly the right thing as a conclusion!
A great menu, to my taste!
The store was great, the food was fresh and tasty, the service was very nice and the ambiance was just right.
It was my first time there, but certainly not the last time!
A really great getaway with nice warm weather, a great vibrant city and really good food. Barcelona is really always worth a visit!
And next time, there will be something here again!

Comfy spot for American breakfast & lunch fare in a quaint diner setting with Coca-Cola memorabilia....

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