Do you fancy a ligerito dessert? Well do not think more, this is your dessert! You can put wholemeal cookies, without sugar, or the cereals that you like the most. It is done at the moment and will have about 100 gr. of sugar, which among the 4 glasses is nothing. Here you have the recipe, I hope you like it. Strawberry light dessert 90 gr. of whole grains of chocolate 100 gr. of strawberries 400 gr. of cheese quart 0% 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder 4 tablespoons sugar For jam: 300 gr. of strawberr..

Light strawberries dessert

Do you fancy a ligerito dessert? Well do not think more, this is your dessert!
You can put wholemeal cookies, without sugar, or the cereals that you like the most. It is done at the moment and will have about 100 gr. of sugar, which among the 4 glasses is nothing.
Here you have the recipe, I hope you like it.

Tapioca pearls with coconut milk and mango Tapioca is the extracted starch of cassava, also called cassava, cassava and even tapioca (Manihot esculenta), a tuber of tropical origin of the family of the euphorbiaceae. Cassava or cassava is a root of great nutritional value in the countries where it is grown, starting with South America and extendin...

Let's start with the section Salads. I love salads. In every form! Whether as leaf salad, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, couscous salad, bulgur salad, lentil salad, etc. etc. I actually eat some kind of salad every day. Most of the time I just cut different leafy lettuce and then what I've just got there: tomatoes, mini peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mozzarella, avocado, corn, etc. In addit...

Funnily enough, last weekend I apparently had exactly the same idea as chocolate of sweet creativity. I still had a bowl of delicious strawberries, but no real idea what to make of it. That's why I searched diligently and found a great older recipe for a kind of reversed Charlotte with strawberries at and interpreted it in my own way. For 2 Charlotte (s), soak 2 sheets of white gelatine ...

Chapata with poolish Whole kitchen in your salty proposal of the month of November invites us to prepare a classic of Italian cuisine, ciabatta. According to Wikipedia, the ciabatta or chapata is a white bread made from very young wheat flour from Italian cuisine. It was invented by Arnaldo Cavallar in the 80s. Since the end of the 1990s it has b...