Let's start with the section Salads. I love salads. In every form! Whether as leaf salad, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, couscous salad, bulgur salad, lentil salad, etc. etc. I actually eat some kind of salad every day. Most of the time I just cut different leafy lettuce and then what I've just got there: tomatoes, mini peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mozzarella, avocado, corn, etc. In addition a vinaigrette - yummie! But there are also a few classics that I always do the same. And this clearly belongs to this lamb's lettuce with bacon and pine nuts: fry 1 packet of bacon cubes without fat in the pan until crispy brown, then drain on kitchen paper. Shortly wipe the pan with kitchen paper and roast a handful of pine nuts in the remaining heat. About 100-150 g fresh lamb's lettuce (I always buy the self-service, no packaged) from the root tips free and wash thoroughly. Wash and halve 1 hand full of cherry tomatoes. In a medium bowl, add the dressing of 80 g sour cream, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1 dash of balsamic vinegar, some salt (the bacon is usually salty enough) and freshly ground pepper. Put all the ingredients in the bowl, mix well and serve soon. A very tasty, fast made station wagon! share note tweet print rss-feed

Corn salad with bacon and pine nuts

Let's start with the section Salads.
I love salads. In every form! Whether as leaf salad, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, couscous salad, bulgur salad, lentil salad, etc., etc.
I actually eat some kind of salad every day. Most of the time I just cut different leafy lettuce and then what I've just got there: tomatoes, mini peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mozzarella, avocado, corn, etc. In addition a vinaigrette - yummie!
But there are And a few classics that I always make the same.
And this clearly belongs to this lamb's lettuce with bacon and pine nuts:

1 pack of bacon cubes Fry until crispy brown in the pan without frying, then drain on kitchen paper.
Wipe out the pan briefly with kitchen paper and roast a handful of pine nuts in the rest of the heat. div
About 100-150 g fresh corn salad (I always buy the self-service, not packaged) from the root tips and wash thoroughly.
1 Wash hand and cherry tomatoes
1 splash balsam mix , some salt (the bacon is usually salty enough) and freshly ground pepper . mix well and serve soon.
A very tasty, fast made combo!

Comfy spot for American breakfast & lunch fare in a quaint diner setting with Coca-Cola memorabilia....

Pineapple sponge cake in microwave I had not prepared for a long time This cake, but the other day my sister-in-law Gabi asked me if I had the recipe and I wanted to do it. This cake started doing it in the Iberian cookware pots and then I went to do it in the microwave, it's a lot faster and it looks great. Gabi, here I leave the recipe, you hav...

Zucchinis filled with tuna fish Today I bring you some stuffed zucchini very easy to make and are very rich, also these rounds are very cute. This season I do not have much desire to cook so I do simple dishes, especially stews, salads and grilled meats and fish, to see if soon I take strength and I make some recipes that I have had my eye. Good ...

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