Let's start with the section Salads. I love salads. In every form! Whether as leaf salad, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, couscous salad, bulgur salad, lentil salad, etc. etc. I actually eat some kind of salad every day. Most of the time I just cut different leafy lettuce and then what I've just got there: tomatoes, mini peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mozzarella, avocado, corn, etc. In addition a vinaigrette - yummie! But there are also a few classics that I always do the same. And this clearly belongs to this lamb's lettuce with bacon and pine nuts: fry 1 packet of bacon cubes without fat in the pan until crispy brown, then drain on kitchen paper. Shortly wipe the pan with kitchen paper and roast a handful of pine nuts in the remaining heat. About 100-150 g fresh lamb's lettuce (I always buy the self-service, no packaged) from the root tips free and wash thoroughly. Wash and halve 1 hand full of cherry tomatoes. In a medium bowl, add the dressing of 80 g sour cream, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1 dash of balsamic vinegar, some salt (the bacon is usually salty enough) and freshly ground pepper. Put all the ingredients in the bowl, mix well and serve soon. A very tasty, fast made station wagon! share note tweet print rss-feed

Corn salad with bacon and pine nuts

Let's start with the section Salads.
I love salads. In every form! Whether as leaf salad, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, couscous salad, bulgur salad, lentil salad, etc., etc.
I actually eat some kind of salad every day. Most of the time I just cut different leafy lettuce and then what I've just got there: tomatoes, mini peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mozzarella, avocado, corn, etc. In addition a vinaigrette - yummie!
But there are And a few classics that I always make the same.
And this clearly belongs to this lamb's lettuce with bacon and pine nuts:

1 pack of bacon cubes Fry until crispy brown in the pan without frying, then drain on kitchen paper.
Wipe out the pan briefly with kitchen paper and roast a handful of pine nuts in the rest of the heat. div
About 100-150 g fresh corn salad (I always buy the self-service, not packaged) from the root tips and wash thoroughly.
1 Wash hand and cherry tomatoes
1 splash balsam mix , some salt (the bacon is usually salty enough) and freshly ground pepper . mix well and serve soon.
A very tasty, fast made combo!

Pear cake with almonds and Mantequera de Tineo I know there are a few recipes followed by sweet, you have to take care of yourself a little bit because Christmas is here right now ... but this sweet vein of mine is no one with it. So here I leave a pear and almond cake that is for suck your fingers, to take with a coffee, a chocolate, a tea .... y...

Have I really never published my pancake recipe yet? Apparently not. Then it will be high time. Today is such a wonderful summer day in spring and that's why my classic pancakes came out again. Of course in the sun on the terrace. To make real fluffy pancakes is actually very easy and here I like it also classic and simple. There are many varieties with sour cream, buttermilk, etc., but my favorit...

Funnily enough, last weekend I apparently had exactly the same idea as chocolate of sweet creativity. I still had a bowl of delicious strawberries, but no real idea what to make of it. That's why I searched diligently and found a great older recipe for a kind of reversed Charlotte with strawberries at lecker.de and interpreted it in my own way. For 2 Charlotte (s), soak 2 sheets of white gelatine ...

I had recently written from my short trip to Barcelona. And also from the great tapas restaurant and the spinach salad. In spite of its simplicity, I remember it so much that I had to try it directly. Basically, it only consists of 4 components, but they are all so tasteful and make a great combination! I can not really make quantities, because you just take what you have there and where you feel ...