For some time now it's time again and you get fresh organic wild garlic in abundance. I love this versatile herb and its special taste. I've just covered myself generously with wild garlic, as you could already see with the wild garlic butter. Two or three weeks ago, during my lunch break, I had already eaten a very delicious wild garlic risotto from our lovely chef, without whom we would have been stuck in our industrial area. Since I also saw fresh green asparagus at the same time, I came up with the idea to combine the whole thing. And it was really worth it, asparagus and wild garlic make a great couple! Here's my recipe for a delicious wild garlic risotto with green asparagus and parmesan cheese for about 3-4 servings Cut off the ends of 1 bunch of green asparagus. Wash the rods, grate them dry and cut into pieces of about 2-3 cm in a rhomboid shape. Separate the asparagus heads separately. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add 1 tsp salt and sugar each. Once the water boils, add the asparagus pieces (without the heads) and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add the heads and simmer for another 5 min. In the meantime, heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large saucepan. 1 onion fine ...

Wild garlic risotto with green asparagus and Parmesan

For some time now it's time again and you get fresh organic wild garlic in abundance.
I love this versatile herb and its special taste. I've just covered myself with wild garlic, as you could already see with the wild garlic butter.
Two or three weeks ago, during my lunch break, I had a very delicious wild garlic risotto from our own Dear Chef, we would not have eaten in our industrial area.
Since I also saw fresh green asparagus at the same time, I came up with the idea to combine it all.
And it was really worth it, asparagus and wild garlic make a great couple!

Here's my recipe for a delicious
wild garlic risotto with green asparagus and Parmesan
for about 3 4 servings
From 1 bunch of green asparagus cut off the ends. Wash the sticks, rub them dry and cut into lozenges to pieces about 2-3 cm in size, put aside the asparagus heads separately.
Bring water to a boil in a pot and add 1 tsp salt and sugar each. Once the water boils, add the asparagus pieces (without the heads) and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add the heads and simmer for another 5 min. In the meantime, heat in a wide pot 2 tbsp olive oil . Finely chop 1 onion and fry in oil. Add 250g Risotto Rice (eg Arborio) and sauté.
Before rice and onions take on color with 50ml white wine deglaze and bring to a boil.
Remove the asparagus pieces from the brew and put aside. Stand the asparagus sauce on the stove over a low heat and simmer again. Stir in 1 tl vegetable bouillon powder (organic) . Now prepare a risotto from this brew and the rice by always covering the rice with broth and boiling it. It took me about 20 minutes.
50 g wild garlic clean and stalk. First cut lengthways, then crosswise into fine pieces.
As soon as the risotto is cooked, fold in the asparagus and wild garlic.
Fresh Parmesan grate and fold to taste.
Heat briefly, then spread on plates and garnish with some freshly grated Parmesan and some wild garlic leaves.

Cheese and rosemary cookies My Mother what I have abandoned the blog! Between some things and others I have not had much time to dedicate, and also, let's be honest, I'm a bit vague, but September is already here and you have to put your batteries, so be vagrant and move. These cookies were made for my son to take to a meeting with the bellmen of ...

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