Tapioca is the extracted starch of cassava, also called cassava, cassava and even tapioca (Manihot esculenta), a tuber of tropical origin of the family of the euphorbiaceae. Cassava or cassava is a root of great nutritional value in the countries where it is grown, starting with South America and extending through Africa and Asia, now even more growers. It is one of the main nutritional sources for 800 million people. Source: Gastronomy & Cia This one that I bring you today is in the form of..

Tapioca pearls with coconut milk and mango

Tapioca is the extracted starch of cassava, also called cassava, cassava and even tapioca (Manihot esculenta), a tuber of tropical origin of the family of the euphorbiaceae.
Cassava or cassava is a root of great nutritional value in the countries where it is grown, starting with South America and extending through Africa and Asia, now even more growers. It is one of the main nutritional sources for 800 million people.
Source: Gastronomy & Cia

This one that I bring you today is in the form of pearls white, which when hydrated become transparent and gelatinous.
Furthermore, tapioca does not contain gluten, making it suitable for celiacs.
I will continue to taste it both sweet and salty. A highly recommended dessert.

Tapioca pearls with coconut milk and mango

180 grs. of tapioca pearls
1 1/2 liter of water
400 grs. of coconut milk
400 grs. of mango and 200 grs. of sugar

We put the water in a saucepan to the fire, when it starts to boil, we toss the tapioca pearls, lower the heat and let cook for 15 minutes, stirring continuously, until they are translucent.We put them in a colander large and wash them with cold water, put them back in the saucepan. Add the sugar and coconut milk and mix well. Then add the chopped mango and mix again.Let us in glasses or bowls and serve. With these quantities I have got 6 glasses like the one in the photo.

Source: The best recipes in Thailand

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