My Mother what I have abandoned the blog! Between some things and others I have not had much time to dedicate, and also, let's be honest, I'm a bit vague, but September is already here and you have to put your batteries, so be vagrant and move. These cookies were made for my son to take to a meeting with the bellmen of my town, do not miss the good that they sing and play, by the way, they just recorded a record. I want to dedicate this entry to Salomé, friend of my children who liked coo..

Cheese and rosemary cookies

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My Mother what I have abandoned the blog! Between some things and others I have not had much time to dedicate, and also, let's be honest, I'm a bit vague, but September is already here and you have to put your batteries, so be vagrant and move.

These cookies were made for my son to take to a meeting with the bellmen of my town, do not miss the good that they sing and play, by the way, they just recorded a record.
I want to dedicate this entry to Salomé, friend of my children who liked cookies and asked him to put the recipe on the blog. Salomé, here you have them, I hope you do them and tell me how they came out!

Good weekend, kisses!

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Cheese and rosemary cookies

225 gr. of cold butter cut into cubes
250 gr. of flour
250 gr. of grated gruye cheese
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne
2 teaspoons of chopped fresh rosemary leaves
1 beaten egg yolk with a teaspoon of water

We lined 2 baking trays with paper vegetable.
In a bowl we put the flour, butter, cheese, cayenne and chopped rosemary, and make a dough to which we will add water if necessary.
We spread the dough with the rolling pin, on a floured surface, and we leave it with a thickness of about 5 mm.
Cut with a pastry cutter and put them on the oven trays, cover with kitchen film and put them in the fridge for 30 minutes so they are firm. and we paint with the beaten yolk, bake for 10-15 minutes or until they are golden, with the oven preheated to 180º.
Place them on a rack and let it cool completely.

Source: Baked Delights
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When I was in London for business last week, a typical British Tea Time was not missing. And so I sat on a sunny Sunday with two colleagues in the beautiful garden of a great hotel in Kensington and enjoyed the 5 o'clock tea time with freshly baked, fragrant scones, clotted cream, strawberry jam and a pot of tea. Gorgeous! I've always thought of scones as a boring pastry and wondered about the var...


The standard cake recipe has been in my family for years. Once the strawberry season starts, there will be no stopping and every family reunion will have the same cake. And no, that's anything but boring, just because this cake is so incredibly delicious. My grandmother bakes an original Hot Milk Sponge Cake on the plate as a basis. The cake is absolutely delicious, but the icing on the cake is a ...


I had recently written from my short trip to Barcelona. And also from the great tapas restaurant and the spinach salad. In spite of its simplicity, I remember it so much that I had to try it directly. Basically, it only consists of 4 components, but they are all so tasteful and make a great combination! I can not really make quantities, because you just take what you have there and where you feel ...

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Strawberry muslin without sugar This month Carmen has put us very easy the Challenge Recipes of Aunt Alia, the two options are easy, I once again I have decided on the sweet, but without sugar to lighten the recipe a little. I wanted to respect the cream as an ingredient, but I've already tried it with evaporated milk Ideally it only has 6% fat and...