Imitation: No-Knead-Bread - Or: Me and the Trends
I admit, I'm an absolute late bloomer in cooking trends.
I admit, I'm an absolute late bloomer in cooking trends.
Black chocolate liquor CharoJ, I already copied you the black chocolate liquor, since I saw it I wanted to and you can see that I have not taken anything. Yes, this liquor, although I have not tried it, it promises to be delicious and it is done in a moment. I copied it from La casita de chocolate, I leave the link: http://charo-lacasitadechocolat...
Today I once again had a great desire for a favorite children's meal: green sauce! Once known as the "Frankfurt Green Sauce", you have to be hell-bent on using this term today unless you use the right ingredients. The term is now protected. For me, it's just "Mum's Green Sauce", so. As a native of Hessin, I grew up with Goethe's favorite food. Green sauce was also one of the first dishes I made my...
Strawberry muslin without sugar This month Carmen has put us very easy the Challenge Recipes of Aunt Alia, the two options are easy, I once again I have decided on the sweet, but without sugar to lighten the recipe a little. I wanted to respect the cream as an ingredient, but I've already tried it with evaporated milk Ideally it only has 6% fat and...