This bread was made to take advantage of the fact that I had opened a jar of orange marmalade that nobody ate and here to throw, nothing is thrown away, that the times are not right for that. Very good for breakfast. Jam bread 150 ml. of warm water 150 ml. of warm milk 2 cuharadas of olive oil 460 grs. of force flour 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar 1 sachet of dry yeast Maizena 200 grs. of orange jam Put all the ingredients in the bucket of the cook or breadmaker, first the liqu..

Jam bread

This bread was made to take advantage of the fact that I had opened a jar of orange marmalade that nobody ate and here to throw, nothing is thrown away, that the times are not right for that.
Very good for breakfast.

Jam bread

150 ml. of warm water
150 ml. of warm milk
2 cuharadas of olive oil
460 grs. of force flour
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar
1 sachet of dry yeast Maizena
200 grs. of orange jam

Put all the ingredients in the bucket of the cook or breadmaker, first the liquids and then the solids. We connect the kneading program, in the cooker on the 13th, and leave until the end. br> We remove the dough from the bucket, and on a floured surface, knead slightly and extend forming a rectangle, about 2 cms. of thickness.
We spread an elongated mold with oil.
Cover the rectangle of dough with the jam in a uniform way, leaving a margin of 1 cm. in one of the long ends.
Roll the dough from the end that has cover to the one that does not have it, pressing to seal it.
We put it in the mold with the part sealed down and cover with transparent film, let stand 45 minutes in a warm place to rise.
We can paint with egg yolk mixed with a little milk.
We put in the oven preheated to 220º, for about 40 minutes, until golden brown.
Let cool on a grid.

The recipe is from the book Homemade bread but with some changes.Preview

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