I had recently written from my short trip to Barcelona. And also from the great tapas restaurant and the spinach salad. In spite of its simplicity, I remember it so much that I had to try it directly. Basically, it only consists of 4 components, but they are all so tasteful and make a great combination! I can not really make quantities, because you just take what you have there and where you feel like it ... For the caramelized hazelnuts, I first roasted a handful of hazelnuts at 200 ° C for about 10 minutes in the oven and She then put directly into a dishcloth and rubbed off the skins. Heat about 2 tbsp sugar in a saucepan with heavy bottom until the sugar has dissolved. Immediately add the hazelnut kernels and caramelise while stirring until golden yellow. Then put on a plate and let cool, if necessary, break apart. I simply washed 2 big hands full of fresh young spinach leaves for 2 persons, tossed them dry and split them into bowls. In that case, I had used a young Spanish goat hard cheese on a piece (Cabra Semicurado) and a total of about 100 g. Works with safety also with feta, ...

Spinach salad with goat cheese and caramelized hazelnuts

I had recently written from my short trip to Barcelona. And also from the great tapas restaurant and the spinach salad.
In spite of its simplicity, I remembered it so much that I had to try it out directly.
Basically, it only consists of 4 components, but they are all so tasteful and make a great combination! I also can not really quantify, because you just take what you have there and where you feel like it ...

For the caramelized hazelnuts I first roasted a handful of hazelnuts at 200 ° C for about 10 minutes in the oven and then put them directly in a dishcloth and rubbed off the skins.
Heat 2 tbsp sugar in a heavy-bottomed casserole until the sugar has dissolved. Immediately add the hazelnut kernels and caramelise while stirring until golden yellow. Then place on a plate and let cool, break apart if necessary.
I've just washed 2 big hands full of fresh young spinach leaves for 2 people, In that case, I had a young Spanish goat hard cheese in one piece ( Cabra Semicurado ) and a total of about 100 g . Works with certainty also with Feta, Manchego or similar. Goat or sheep's cheese . Finely chop the cheese and sprinkle with the hazelnuts over the spinach.
For the vinaigrette, I usually use 1 El Balsamico rosso , in which I use dissolve about 1/2 Tl honey , then 1/2 Tl coarse sea salt . Add pepper and stir with a good olive oil (about 2-3 tablespoons oil ), stirring vigorously.
vinaigrette over the salad and serve immediately.
A really tasty, sweet-salty-spicy-mild combination as a tasty appetizer!
 Charlotte with whipped cream, quark and strawberries

Funnily enough, last weekend I apparently had exactly the same idea as chocolate of sweet creativity. I still had a bowl of delicious strawberries, but no real idea what to make of it. That's why I searched diligently and found a great older recipe for a kind of reversed Charlotte with strawberries at lecker.de and interpreted it in my own way. For 2 Charlotte (s), soak 2 sheets of white gelatine ...


Let's start with the section Salads. I love salads. In every form! Whether as leaf salad, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, couscous salad, bulgur salad, lentil salad, etc. etc. I actually eat some kind of salad every day. Most of the time I just cut different leafy lettuce and then what I've just got there: tomatoes, mini peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mozzarella, avocado, corn, etc. In addit...

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Strawberry muslin without sugar This month Carmen has put us very easy the Challenge Recipes of Aunt Alia, the two options are easy, I once again I have decided on the sweet, but without sugar to lighten the recipe a little. I wanted to respect the cream as an ingredient, but I've already tried it with evaporated milk Ideally it only has 6% fat and...

 an illuminated lane in the nighttime Barcelona

After a few vacation-related absence days, I'll get back to you with a short travel report! What do you do on vacation? Of course, eat well! I have relatives in Barcelona and travel since infancy to this beautiful city on the Mediterranean. For me, there are no more typical tourist visits, but it is more of a "come home" and I know exactly where I want to go and what I want to do. This year, it wa...